Vampiro Skulblakas Ven
Vampiro Clan  Skulblakas Ven Logo

Fue creado por Debixxx del dia 30.06.2008 a las 01:57:30
Descripción del personaje
He was abandoned a long long time ago, about his origins there's only shadows and rumors...
Some people says that his mother was a whore and his father was a travelling merchant.. but in his heart, he does not believe in such lies, he wander through the world in search of truth..
in his travels, he meets a beautiful woman by the name of Debixxx, and fall tremendously in love for her. But one night, when they are wandering in the woods, she asks: "Do you wish to live forever?" "Do you wish to have the strenght to find the truth about your past?.. he's caught by surprise, because he didn't tell anyone about this and he thinks"How could she possible know? Does she knows something about his past?
Finally he answers yes, and then, the women reveals her true self, a vampire, and turn him into one of her kind and lead him in the world of darkness...
Because she is feeling very lonely, and when she bites Skulblakas, she hopes to have an very strong ally and perhaps even a lover...

Botín total: 118.223,22 litros de sangre
Víctimas mordidas (link): 6
Combates: 293
Victorias: 141
Derrotas: 152
Empates 0
Oro adquirido: ~ 3.000,00 Oro
Oro perdido: ~ 17.000,00 Oro
Daño causado: 18086.68
Puntos de vida perdidos: 75400.8
Habilidades de Skulblakas Ven:
Nivel del personaje: Nivel 27
Fuerza: (53)
Defensa: (60)
Agilidad: (46)
Resistencia: (43)
Destreza: (43)
Experiencia: (3414|3645)
La estadística del Santuario Ancestral Skulblakas Ven
Desafíos intentados: 11
Desafíos exitosos: 11
Desafíos perdidos: 0
Centinela de Skulblakas Ven
Perro lobo biónico armado
Tipo de centinela: Perro lobo biónico armado
Nombre del centinela: Perro lobo biónico armado
Asalto: (30)
Defensa: (30)
Resistencia: (30)
Datos del perfil
Género: Masculino
Edad: No declarada Años
Localización: Transilvania
Número de ICQ: ---
MSN Messenger: ---
Yahoo Messenger: ---
AIM-nombre: ---
Jabber ID ---
Skype ID ---

Skulblakas Ven No ha conseguido un reconocimiento especial en el ranking de la arena.

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